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"Necessity is the mother of invention." - Frank Zappa

Annette John, recorders Barbara Heindlmeier, recorders Tanja Ofterdinger, recorders Trio Viaggio – three women playing more than twenty recorders take their listeners on a timetraveling journey through the ages, from the Middle Ages and Renaissance through the Baroque era into the modern world.
Their numerous appearances include concerts in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Hungary, at the Düsseldorfer Alstadtherbst, the annual meeting of the “projektgruppe neue musik bremen”, the Züricher Biennale “Spotlights” of the European Recorder Player Society ERPS e.V., the yearly congress of the European Recorder Teachers’ Association ERTA in Cologne, the “Musica insieme Panicale”, and for RAI Italy, as well as radio productions with EnsembleWeserRenaissance and Ensemble Orlando di Lasso.
One of the most important aspects of their work is their continuing collaboration with living composers: Samir OdehTamimi, Joachim Heintz, Ezzat Nashashibi, Sascha Lino Lemke und Erwin KochRaphael have all written works for Trio Viaggio.
The ensemble won first prize at both the “Bremer Kammermusikwettbewerb” chamber music competition and the “Young Artists competition at the Internationale Festwoche der Alten Musik Bad Wimpfen”. Their debut CD is available from Coviello Classics.

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Various composers
Frouwen Tränen
Trio Viaggio